NŞehir Esenyurt

HomeProjelerNŞehir Esenyurt

NŞehir Esenyurt

NŞehir Esenyurt
It's not just a housing project, it's a real life;

Living begins with feeling alive. This is why we have equipped a new project of Özyurts with details that will make you feel alive in Esenyurt(Nşehir Esenyurt). If you want to Start Your Morning day at the Sports Complex in Özyurtlar in his new project. If you wish, the day always starts well in Özyurtlar Nşehir with a breakfast in the mall center. Yesil Esenyurt offers you unforgettable times with its private hiking trail, gazebos, children's play areas, swimming pool, basketball and football fields and green areas. With its location and proximity to the center, Özyurtlar construction projects will offer a more colorful and enjoyable quality of life than you would think of your new life.

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NTepe Esenyurt

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NCadde Agora

As Özyurtlar Holding; We made 80,000 people homeowners on this road that we started in 1990. With our steady rise and professional staff, we built 20,000+ residences on a total area of ​​2,000,000+m2.